Hirayama (played by Kōji Yakusho, awarded for his role at the Cannes Film Festival) lives in contemporary Tokyo. He is a man of few words – introverted, yet filled with love for the world and others, living a life made of rituals, in which he engages with complete devotion. Over time, even his mundane job (cleaning up city’s toilets) becomes an extraordinary ceremonial – all accompanied by the score consisting of the harmonious sounds of Tokyo streets and songs performed by The Velvet Underground, Lou Reed, Patti Smith and Nina Simone. Charming and healing story about how to turn everyday life into magic is a Japanese candidate for Oscar 2024, directed by the road movie and atmosphere wizard – Wim Wenders (“Paris, Texas”, “Lisbon Story”, “Sky over Berlin” “Buena Vista Social Club” to name a few). “Perfect Days” will premiere in theaters in the spring. Those who cannot wait, can catch one of the special screenings during the Week of German Cinema, taking place in ten Polish cities:
Gdańsk, Kino Żak, January 27 | 5.30 pm
Lublin, Kino Bajka, January 28 | 8 pm
Poznań, Kino Muza, January 28 | 6:15 pm
Warsaw, Kino Muranów, January 28 | 8 pm
Wrocław, Kino Nowe Horyzonty, January 28 | 7 pm
Kraków, Kino pod Baranami, January 30 | 6 pm
Opole, Kino Helios Karolinka, January 30 | 6 pm
Rzeszów, Kino Zorza, February 1 | 5 pm
Katowice, Kino Światowid, February 4 | 3:30 pm
Kielce, Kino Moskwa February 7 | 7:30 pm