
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

New Data Centre

Polish data company Atman obtained a loan at zł 1.35b ($ 337m) for construction of 50,000 servers data centre in Duchnice near Warsaw. This...

12 Bulk Carriers From China

This year Polska Żegluga Morska (Polish Steamship Company) received 3 new bulk carriers in the series of 12 contracted from Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Company...

More and more fathers are taking parental leave because they want to

On the occasion of Father's Day, the Share the Care Foundation, in partnership with Gillette, launched the third edition of the Men at 100...


Christoper Korten is an American historian, a professor at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, and an experienced IELTS trainer with over 860 thousand...

Andrea Bocelli

The Italian star tenor, composer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and music producer – Andrea Bocelli, will give 10 concerts in Europe during his 2024/2025 international tour....

Warsaw Summer Jazz Days

The inaugural concert of this year’s edition of the Warsaw Summer Jazz Days is going to take place on July 4 at the Stodoła club. The Polish gala will include artists such as Jutra, Tomek Wendt Daily Things (the leader on the saxophone, Szymon Mika – guitar, Max Mucha – double bass, and Michał Miśkiewicz – drums), Immortal Onion & Michał Jan Ciesielski, and Ńoko. The following days fans of the contemporary New York scene will be able to listen to the outstanding saxophone player and one of the greatest jazz composers John Zorn with his two projects – Simulacrum and New Masada Quartet, and those interested in different kinds of improvised music – Irreversible Entanglements, Void Patrol and Isaiah Collier & The Chosen Few presenting in Warsaw their last album “Cosmic Transitions”. The biggest star of this year’s edition is Marcus Miller – one of the greatest bass guitar virtuosos, a former collaborator of Miles Davies himself, whose concert on Sunday, 7th of July will close the festival. Tickets are available online.

Wiktoria Sawicka-Djassi
Wiktoria Sawicka-Djassi
Freelance author, journalist and editor with over ten years of experience in public relations and communication for both domestic and international lifestyle brands. People and community enthusiast. Culture lover with a weak spot for literature. Traveler passionate about social diversity and mutual impact of people and their values.