Saturday, September 28, 2024



Dominika Kulczyk firm to raise 3.4 billion zl for green investments

A company owned by Dominika Kulczyk plans to raise up to 3.4 billion zlotys for green investments from the market, with most of the...

Orlen’s New LNG Carriers

New LNG gas carriers “Józef Piłsudski” and “Ignacy Paderewski” owned by ORLEN group will start service in 2025 increasing the group’s LNG fleet to...

Orlen’s Power From Waste Water

On 12 December 2024 Orlen launched a new power plant supplied with treated waste water from its chief production facility in Płock. The plant...

PGE Energia Ciepła heats up Rzeszów investments

PGE Energia Ciepła CHP Plant in Rzeszów is actively participating in implementation of the PGE Group's strategy.The Rzeszow CHP plant is implementing investment plans...

Polish Gaz-System in giant hydrogen project

The European Gas Transmission System Operators: Gasgrid Finland (Finland), Elering (Estonia), Conexus Baltic Grid (Latvia), Amber Grid (Lithuania), GAZ-SYSTEM (Poland) and ONTRAS (Germany) participating...

ORLEN’s Strategic Transaction in Norway

In November 2023 PGNiG Upstream Norway from ORLEN Group took-over the extraction company KUFPEC Norway AS, subsidiary of Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company k.s.c.c.,...

2nd Polish Nuclear Plant Confirmed

On 24 November Polish Ministry of Climate and Environment issued a decision-in-principle for construction in Pątnów-Konin of the country's 2nd large nuclear power plant...

PGE Dystrybucja power storage plants green lit

PGE’s energy storage facilities to be co-financed by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.PGE Dystrybucja - a PGE Group unit -...

PGE driving Poland’s green revolution

PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna is launching more photovoltaic (PV) farms and says it will have PV power plants with a total capacity of about...

PGE Group powers ahead in district heating transformation 

PGE Energia Ciepła is transforming the heating sector by replacing old, inefficient and high-carbon generation sources with modern low- and zero-carbon solutions.The PGE Group...