Four Years of Donald Trump
Friday, March 14, 2025


Unleashing Leadership Potential: A Conversation with Dr. John Scherer

In a recent conversation for Impact Leaders, Magda Petryniak spoke with Dr. John Scherer, a globally recognized leadership and change expert, about his transformative...

What’s for you, won’t go by you

David Kennedy is a Scottish business and financial journalist who has been living and working in Poland for 30 years. He is sharing his...

The Polish Mind Behind ChatGPT

Wojciech Zaremba lives in San Francisco but was born in 1988 in Kluczbork. In high school, he won competitions in math, IT, chemistry, and...

Breathe in the Air …

Almost every time I meet a Polish person for the first time, they are curious to know why an Englishman lives in Poland. Recently,...

Poland’s Hidden Spa Retreats

From tranquil forests to scenic lakeshores, Poland is home to a collection of exceptional boutique spas that offer more than just relaxation. These retreats...

Amazing Alpine Way to Zakopane

The National Motorway DK47 leading from Rabka to the famous Polish resort Zakopane in the heart of Tatra Mountains, and thus nicknamed Zakopianka, is being developed and modernised. Its most recent section 16 km long between Rdzawka and Nowy Targ expected be opened in October this year will become one of the most picturesque routes in Poland. It is situated in a mountainous terrain, including 4 km on viaducts, bridges and flyovers, in total 29 highland engineering structures. The longest 700-metre flyover in Lasek will be 30 meters above the ground. The section has been built since 2020 at the cost zł 1b ($ 250 m) and will give travellers breathtaking views of highland plains and Tarta panorama creating the impression of traversing central Alps. DK47 is one of the oldest Polish motorways classified for the first time as the State Motorway No. 1 in 1920.

Marek Gizmajer
Marek Gizmajer
High-tech journalist